Optimist, Leader, Technologist, Innovator, Automator, Integrator, Entrepreneur


Rob Weidner is growing to become an avid reader and is happy to share his favorite parts of the books he has read.  The books are in order from highest rated to lowest.

Posts tagged book
The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future, Chris Guillebeau

This book is a very quick read with micro-case studies in each chapter, but each chapter has a powerful overarching theme that all add up to this amazing layered cake with a Sriracha base and red pepper flakes on top.  The $100 Startup is a book that I read a couple years ago before I embarked on the Pizza Dude adventure with my good friend Adam Folta.  At the time, it invited me to pursue a passion that I was so interested in and so devoted to, even though it was a pizza business based out of a fraternity kitchen from 10pm to 2 am on Thursday and Saturday nights.  The fire that this book lights under you, heats the ceramic pizza stone of life and as you read it you realize it is so easy to simply get out there and do whatever it is you love. The book almost makes a mockery of all of the ridiculous hurdles that one sets up for oneself, which only prohibits you from ever starting the race.  This is potentially one of my most suggested and gifted books that I have read and if you are happy or disappointed with what you are doing in life, read this book and see what happens. Danielle LaPorte said it beautifully and casually by saying, "I feel unstoppable because I'm unafraid to fail".  If it is only $100 to potentially turn your work into what you love, why not?

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